Fumiyo Hashimoto, who helped with clerical work under her son, who started a company that handles construction work at power plants and manufacturing plants, and remodeling work for private homes and companies. When she was founded, she sometimes had time to spare, so she found herbarium as a result of her search for something. Of course, this is the first challenge for Mrs. Hashimoto. First of all, I went to Kyoto for lessons and aimed to get a qualification. And in 2018, she started her activities as a certified instructor of the Japan Herbarium Association. As a shop certified by the association, which is rare in Tsuruga City, she makes orders and holds hands-on classrooms. As she continued her activities as a writer, she became known as "a shop where only one herbarium can be made in the world". Nowadays, people often visit us looking for gifts for their loved ones. The price is reasonable, 50ml = 1,080 yen, 100ml = 1,620 yen, 150ml = 2,160 yen, so it's perfect for a little hospitality or when you want to convey your daily gratitude.
作品を手にする人の好みを意識すれば ものづくりはもっと楽しくなる
ショップや各種講座などで、積極的にハーバリウム体験教室を開催している橋本さん。人に教える際に大切にしていることを伺ったところ、「一人ひとりの好みを大切に、創る人や贈りたい相手にぴったりのハーバリウムを造っていただけるよう心がけています」とのコメント。これは、橋本さん自身が作品を手掛けるときにも大切にしていることで、オーダーを受ける際にも、好みに耳を傾けることを大事にしています。そんな橋本さんゆえ、仕事を通じて心に残っていることは? の質問には、とある男性が奥さんへのプレゼントとしてハーバリウムを購入されたエピソードをお話くださいました。「その男性は、ハーバリウムのティッシュケースをオーダーされたんですけど、半面は奥様の好きな色、もう半面はこれから生まれてくるお子様の名前の色の花材を選ばれたんです」。オーダーしているときの幸せそうな顔、できあがった作品を手にしたときのうれしそうな顔は、今でも忘れられないのだとか。
Mrs. Hashimoto actively holds herbarium experience classes at shops and various courses. When asked what she values when teaching people, she commented, "We value each person's tastes and try to create a herbarium that is perfect for the creator and the person to whom we want to give it." .. This is important when Mrs. Hashimoto himself works on the work, and when receiving an order, it is important to listen to her taste. Because of Mrs. Hashimoto, what do you remember from your work? In the question, a man talked about an episode in which a herbarium was purchased as a gift for his wife. "The man ordered a herbarium tissue case, but one side chose his wife's favorite color and the other side chose the color of the child's name to be born." I can't forget the happy face when I was ordering and the happy face when I got the finished work.
てづくり体験もオーダーも ハーバリウムは楽しさいっぱい
橋本さんから直接教われるハーバリウム体験教室は、好きなボトル2本を選び、たっぷり2時間かけてハーバリウム制作を堪能できます。花や果物など、さまざまな種類の自然植物が用意されているので、組み合わせを考える時間から楽しさいっぱい。お正月なら松ぼっくりを封じ込めたハーバリウムにチャレンジしたり、バレンタインの贈り物としてハートフルな作品を創ったりといろんなアイディアが湧いてきそう! しかも、ドリンクとお菓子もついているのでリラックスして体験できます。特別なプレゼントをお探しなら、認定講師ならではの匠の技術が詰まった唯一無二のアイテムもおすすめ。受注販売の印鑑や、コースターや箸置きといったカトラリーまで、生活雑貨にもハーバリウムが取り込まれているのです。さらに、ボトルの中にミニチュアサイズのタキシードやドレスが封じ込められた、ウェディングにぴったりのハーバリウムまで。オリジナリティ溢れる作品の数々は、眺めているだけでも幸せな気分になれるものばかりです。a. DEPARTMENT STOREの参加によって、今後ますます多くの人が、橋本さんの作品を通してハーバリウムの魅力に開眼すること間違いなしですね。
In the herbarium experience class taught directly by Mrs. Hashimoto, you can choose two bottles you like and enjoy herbarium production for a full two hours. There are various kinds of natural plants such as flowers and fruits, so it's a lot of fun from the time to think about the combination. If it's New Year's Day, you can challenge the herbarium that contains pine cones, or create a hearty work as a gift for Valentine's Day. Moreover, drinks and sweets are also included so you can relax and experience. If you are looking for a special gift, we also recommend the one and only item that is packed with the craftsmanship of a certified instructor. Herbarium is also incorporated into household goods, such as custom-made stamps and cutlery such as coasters and chopstick rests. In addition, a herbarium that is perfect for weddings, with a miniature-sized black tie and dress enclosed in a bottle. Many of the original works make you feel happy just by looking at them. With the participation of DEPARTMENT STORE, there is no doubt that more and more people will open their eyes to the charm of herbarium through Mrs. Hashimoto's work.