Atelier Tiaraの木下麻衣さんが、フランスの伝統厚紙工芸「カルトナージュ」に初めて出逢ったのは、今から約10年前のこと。友人に誘われて展示を観に行ったところ、あたたかみに溢れた愛らしい箱に、深い感動を覚えたといいます。「厚紙がこんなふうに様変わりするなんて」という驚きとともに湧き上がってきたのは、「わたしもつくってみたい」という気持ち。また、つくりかたをマスターすることで、「母親として、主婦として忙しい日々を過ごしている女性の生活に、彩りを添えるお手伝いをしたい」とも考えたのだとか。
About 10 years ago, Atelier Tiara's Mai Kinoshita first encountered the traditional French cardboard art "Cartnerage". When she was invited by a friend to go to the exhibition, she was deeply moved by the adorable box full of warmth. The feeling that came up with the surprise of "that cardboard changes like this" was the feeling that "I also want to make it." She also said that by mastering how to make it, she wanted to "help her add color to the life of a woman who is busy as a mother and housewife."
Mrs. Kinoshita has been improving shis skills since she first met with Cartnerage, and has been sending out information to help as many people as possible. In addition to regular workshops, blog posts are updated frequently, helping to increase the recognition of Cartnerage. In parallel with Cartnerage, classes such as “Cafe Minaj,” which decorates ready-made products by attaching fabric and cardboard, and classrooms such as jewelry bags, Macaron Tower, and preserved flowers are also held. We continue to support women who love manufacturing and women who want to challenge manufacturing.
What Kinoshita values in craftsmanship is to listen to the tastes and wishes of each student and each customer, and to fulfill her ideals. I want you to know the excitement when the image you envisioned takes shape. Ring pillows and welcome boards used at her daughter's wedding, students who went many times to make a name book, students who went to make diaper storage boxes and photo stands for their newborn children, etc. Many people have realized the joy of manufacturing under her. What she wants to realize at “a.department store” is to create collaborative products between exhibitors. I'm looking forward to seeing how her dream of expanding her manufacturing circle can be realized.