マツ勘は1922年(大正11年)、福井県小浜市で創業しました。社名の由来は松本勘太夫、屋号「マツ勘」です。西洋化の流れの中で、地場産業として確立され始めていた若狭塗箸に着目。それから約60年は職人の作った塗箸を百貨店や量販店に流通させる産地問屋としての役割を担いましたが、先代で現会長の松本喜代司さんが社長就任を機に、商品企画やブランディングを始めました。問屋が企画やブランディングを行う試みは業界初であり、近代的なデザインの箸が数多く生まれるきっかけとなりました。 そんな先代の後姿を見ながら育ったのが、現社長の松本啓典さんです。学生時代は陸上に熱中、一時期はオリンピックも目指していたというアスリート。しかし「幼少時から家業を継ぐんだろうなと思っていた」と24歳の時にUターンし、家業を継ぐことになりました。
Matsukan was founded in 1922 (Taisho 11) in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture. The origin of the company name is Kandayu Matsumoto, the store name "Matsukan". Focusing on Wakasa-nuri chopsticks, which had begun to be established as a local industry in the trend of westernization. For about 60 years after that, I played the role of a production center wholesaler that distributes the painted chopsticks made by craftsmen to department stores and mass retailers, but with the appointment of the current chairman Kiyoji Matsumoto as the president, product planning and branding started. The wholesaler's attempt to plan and brand was the first in the industry, and it triggered the birth of many modern-designed chopsticks. Mr. Takanori Matsumoto, the current president, grew up looking at the rear view of his predecessor. An athlete who was enthusiastic about athletics when he was a student and was aiming for the Olympics for a while. However, he made a U-turn at the age of 24, saying, "I thought he would take over the family business from an early age," and decided to take over the family business.
後世に伝えるべき若狭塗箸の価値とは? 尊敬する職人の仕事ぶりと価値を書籍に。
When President Matsumoto was a college student, Wakasa-nuri chopsticks attracted attention in the NHK serial TV novel "Chiritotechin". At that time, Mr. Matsumoto realized the potential of the industry, but at the same time, he also felt that the possibility of going to the next phase was buried. Therefore, I thought about what I could do because I was a wholesaler. For example, you can incorporate ideas that are close to the consumer's perspective into products, change craftsmanship techniques into valuable ones, or introduce them as valuable ones. Under such circumstances, I met Mr. Masayoshi Matoba, a chopstick craftsman. He was fascinated by his work and his work, and went to work. At first, he didn't show much, but as he communicated, the distance gradually became closer, and he had to pass on the "value" to what Mr. Matoba created! I came to think that. He was convinced that modern design and fashion are important, but that the universal and classic ones on which they are based need to be emphasized and expressed in action and form. (The late) Masayoshi Matoba's work is passed down to posterity in his book "Hashi-ha Utau" and connected.
若狭塗箸という産業や業界の未来イメージは、ある程度は見えてきています。しかし松本さんは立ち止まることなく、“価値”への熟考を続けます。そして、産業と地域との関わりを深めることが、産業の価値を上げるという結論に達します。その結論を具現化させるアイコンとなったのが「マツ勘」の地元、西津地区にあった福井県指定有形文化財「旧古河屋別邸(護松園)」でした。「構想3年、護松園をGOSHOENとしてリノベーションしました。“みんなの別邸”として、この土地での暮らしが地域の人々にとって誇りとなるような、心の豊かさを感じられるような取り組みを行っていきたい。GOSHOENという場所をきっかけに、自分たちが気づいていないこの地域の価値に気づいていけると思っています」 GOSHOENには「マツ勘」直営店(箸蔵まつかん)、コーヒースタンド、気軽にくつろげるリビングスペース、勉強や会議にも使えるワークスペースがあります。地域の人々が集い、時には観光客も訪れる、まさに人々のかけ“はし”になる場所です。 最近、ジュエリーやアパレル業界からの商品開発依頼も増加中とのこと。異業種間との取り組みを通じて、「マツ勘」の挑戦と若狭塗箸の躍進は続いていくでしょう。
The Wakasa-nuri chopsticks industry and the future image of the industry are becoming visible to some extent. However, Mr. Matsumoto does not stop and continues to ponder "value". And we come to the conclusion that deepening the relationship between industry and the region will increase the value of the industry. The icon that embodies that conclusion was the Fukui Prefecture-designated tangible cultural property "Former Furukawaya Bettei (Goshoen)" in the Nishitsu district, the hometown of "Matsukan". "For three years, we renovated Goshoen as GOSHOEN. As a" villa for everyone, "we will make efforts to make people in this area proud of their lives and to feel the richness of their hearts. I want to. I think that the place called GOSHOEN will help us to realize the value of this area that we are not aware of. " GOSHOEN has a directly managed store of "Matsukan" (chopsticks storehouse Matsukan), a coffee stand, a living space where you can relax easily, and a workspace that can be used for studying and meetings. It is a place where local people gather and sometimes tourists come to visit, which is exactly the place where people can hang out. Recently, product development requests from the jewelry and apparel industry are increasing. Through efforts between different industries, the challenge of "Matsukan" and the breakthrough of Wakasa-nuri chopsticks will continue.