福井ならではのおいしさと、 食文化を伝えていきたいから「福井県産」にこだわる。
The deliciousness unique to Fukui I want to convey the food culture, so I am particular about "produced in Fukui Prefecture".
福井に伝わる醤油麹漬けのおいしさを 多くの人に知ってもらうべく商品を開発
Kamikyu Shoten was founded in 1955. At that time, it was a confectionery wholesaler, but in 2013 it started manufacturing soy sauce pickles. We started selling it as "Petit Luxury Series" because we wanted to convey the deliciousness of soy sauce pickled in Fukui. The series soon gained popularity and was not only featured in the Fukui Shimbun and Tannan Cable TV in 2016, but was also certified as an excellent tourist souvenir recommendation by the Fukui Prefecture Tourism Federation in the same year. Furthermore, in 2017, it was recognized as a product under the joint name of national tourism souvenirs. In addition, from 2018, we will sell 10 products of the "Extreme Series", which is an upgraded version of the "Petit Luxury Series". Using carefully selected ingredients collected from all over the world, we are further expanding our lineup of pickled soy sauce.
北前船が運航していた時代から作られていた 「家庭の味」を再現すべく、保存料等不使用で100%手作り
Although Kamikyu Shoten has a long history as a wholesaler, it is said that by starting product development, it was possible to meet many people who had never known before. Behind this is the desire to firmly inherit the local food culture. In Fukui, where the harsh climate continues in winter, various types of pickled jiuqu have been made as preserved foods since ancient times. In particular, "Nare Zushi" and "Herring Zushi" made with radish and herring, which have been made since the time when the Kitamaebune was operating in Tsuruga and Imajo, Takefu City, are famous. In order to reproduce the "home taste" filled with the ingenuity of our predecessors, Kamikyu Shoten's soy sauce pickles are 100% handmade using the traditional method that does not use preservatives or synthetic coloring agents. I'm glad that you can easily maintain beauty and health by tasting the soy sauce koji, which has a well-balanced combination of sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami.
福井ならではの食を伝えていきたいから「地産」にこだわり 醤油も麹も、樽で漬ける際の鷹の爪も福井県産を使用
商品を作る上で大切にしていることのひとつに、「地産」もあります。大正7年から続く福井の老舗醤油醸造会社「フク醤油」が県産丸大豆を使って造った醤油「遊」、福井県産コシヒカリの麹を使っている他、樽での漬け込みには、福井県産の鷹の爪を使用しています。また、主に福井県越前街で水揚げ・船内冷凍されたするめいかを醤油麹で漬け込んだ「極旨シリーズ 日本海産するめいかの醤油麹漬け」、能登の生ガキを使った「生ガキの醤油麹漬け」など、北陸のおいしさを堪能できる商品も。お酒のアテとしてもおつまみとしてもぴったりな商品ぞろいなので、いろいろ試したくなること必至です。「福井ならではの食文化を伝えていきたい」という同社の想いが「プチ贅沢シリーズ」「極旨シリーズ」に込められています。
One of the important things in making products is "local production". Fukui's long-established soy sauce brewing company "Fuku Soy Sauce", which has been in operation since 1918, uses soy sauce "Yu" made from whole soybeans produced in Fukui Prefecture, Koshihikari Jiuqu produced in Fukui Prefecture, and Fukui for pickling in barrels. We use hawk claws from the prefecture. In addition, "Gokujitsu Series: Meika's Soy Sauce Jiuqu Pickled from the Sea of Japan", which is mainly landed in Echizen-gai, Fukui Prefecture and frozen on board, is pickled in soy sauce Jiuqu, and "Raw Gaki's Soy Sauce Jiuqu Pickled" using raw oysters from Noto. There are also products that allow you to enjoy the deliciousness of Hokuriku. The product lineup is perfect for both sake and snacks, so it is inevitable that you will want to try various things. The company's desire to "tell the food culture unique to Fukui" is incorporated into the "Petit Luxury Series" and "Extreme Series".