世界三大メガネ産地の鯖江市にあるアクセサリーブランド「KISSO」。眼鏡材料の販売が本業ですが、眼鏡業界の転換期に差し掛かり「材料の販売だけでなく自分たちのモノづくりを始めたかった」と吉川社長は開発のきっかけを語ります。試行錯誤を続けていく中で思いついたのは、眼鏡の材料であるアセテートを使った雑貨づくり。最初に作りあげたのはアセテート製のペーパーナイフ。完成したナイフは販売までいたったものの、売上は思うように伸びませんでした。「そこでアセテートならではの特色を活かしたものはなんだろう?」 と考えた結果、アクセサリーづくりに辿り着いたそうです。「鯖江市の新しいモノづくりプロジェクト『鯖江ギフト組』」に参加したことで、その開発はさらに加速しました。
Accessory brand “KISSO” in Sabae City, the world's three largest eyeglass production area. “We wanted to start making our own products as well as selling materials,” President Yoshikawa talks about the opportunity for development. Initially developed a paper knife made of acetate. After that, he seems to have made an accessory that makes the most of the characteristics of acetate. By participating in “Sabae City's new Monozukuri Project“ Sabae Gift Group ””, its development was further accelerated.
The feature of acetate is that it is easy to process and the color is vivid. In addition, since it is used as a material for eyeglasses, it is gentle on the skin, has a warm color, and can be safely used by those with metal allergies. At KISSO, they continue to make unique items such as rings, bangles and earrings by utilizing the characteristics of acetate. They also make unique collaboration products.
The ring of KISSO is attractive with beautiful gradations and patterns full of originality. Some of them are imported from Italy, and some of them have been ordered as KISSO's own patterns. Of course, the processing is handmade by each company. One of the attractions is that the same thing does not exist. “KISSO” is an item that makes you feel comfortable when you wear it.