Utilizing the materials raised in Fukui,
With delicious tea that is kind to the body
Fascinates fans all over the country
本当においしくて健康にもいいお茶だから 長年飲み続けているファンが全国にたくさん
Marumatsu Tea Stall has been attracting fans all over the country with its delicious tea unique to Fukui Prefecture for more than 90 years since its establishment in 1930 (Showa 5). Tea is a daily drink, and although many people drink it on a daily basis, many people say that even if they look for supermarkets, convenience stores, drug stores, etc., they cannot easily find their favorite. In addition to tea, various drinks have been sold recently, so it is a fact that tea is becoming more and more popular. However, tea is said to have great health benefits such as improving blood flow and improving antioxidant power with catechins. In order to let more people know the merits and true taste of such tea, we continue to disseminate it through the opening of Fukui product exhibitions and events at department stores nationwide. As a result, Mr. Yoshimura, president of Marumatsu Tea Stall, said, "I want to cherish the relationship" with the fact that there are customers all over the country who have been drinking tea from the store for many years. Every day, we are working hard to make more people aware of the appeal of delicious tea, which is kind to the body.
福井県産の素材をふんだんに使って作るお茶は 香りも甘みも第一級!
The tea handled at Marumatsu Tea Stall uses fresh ingredients from Fukui prefecture and has a rich aroma. Bancha with beans, which has been popular as a daily tea in Echizen for a long time, is a blend of selected hojicha and freshly roasted soybeans, so it has an exceptional aroma. It contains almost no caffeine and goes well with any dish, so it is perfect for everyday tea from small children to the elderly. Echizen barley tea, which uses barley, which Fukui Prefecture produces the most in Japan, is rich in iron, zinc, minerals, vitamin B1, and dietary fiber, so it is recommended to have it to maintain your health. You can enjoy a rich richness because it is made by the "double roasting natural ventilation cooling manufacturing method" in which light roasting is performed once and then deep roasting is performed. "Koshihikari tea from Fukui prefecture" is made from Koshihikari tea born in Fukui prefecture and combined with Yame's Karigane tea from Fukuoka prefecture. It seems fun to drink different types of tea depending on the mood and scene of the day.
お茶の香りや味わいは 生活を豊かにしてくれるもの
余計なものを一切加えずに作られたお茶は、どれも素材そのものの味わいや香りを楽しむことができるのが魅力です。食後や午後の休憩時間にはもちろん、リラックスしてほっと一息つきたいときにもうってつけ。ティータイムのおやつも、おいしいお茶があればいつも以上においしく感じられるはずです。しかも、一杯目だけでなく、二煎、三煎と味の変化を楽しむことができるのも大きな魅力。「お茶はペットボトルやティーバッグタイプのもので十分」と考えている人も、たまのリフレッシュや息抜きにぜひ活用してみてはいかがでしょう? 丸松茶舗でも、今後、自家焙煎やテイクアウト、カフェなどの運営を視野に入れていそうです。茶器や一緒にいただくお菓子にこだわれば、自宅でも、おいしいお茶をいただく醍醐味を堪能することができます。お茶の香りや味わいによって生活がこんなにも豊かになるのか! ときっと驚かされるはずです。
The appeal of all teas made without adding anything extra is that you can enjoy the taste and aroma of the ingredients themselves. Perfect for after-dinner breaks and afternoon breaks, as well as when you want to relax and take a break. Tea time snacks should feel more delicious than usual if you have delicious tea. What's more, it's a big attraction that you can enjoy not only the first cup but also the change of taste with two and three roasts. Even if you think that "a PET bottle or tea bag type tea is enough", why not use it for occasional refreshment and relaxation? Marumatsu Tea Stall seems to be considering the operation of home roasting, takeout, cafes, etc. in the future. If you stick to the tea set and the sweets you have with you, you can enjoy the real pleasure of having delicious tea at home. Will the aroma and taste of tea make your life so rich? You should be surprised.