「作り手の想い」「購入者の想い」 「さらにその作品を引き継ぐ人の想い」も残り続けてほしい
「木工庵 藤本」を営んでいる藤本篤信さんは、この仕事に専念する以前は、企業に勤めていたこともあるのだそうです。勤め先では、多くの人々と協力してたくさんのモノを作ってきたことから、ものづくりについて考えることもしばしば。そんな中、大勢が携わって生まれた商品やサービスは、数十年、数百年先も残っている可能性が高い一方、「つくることに携わった人たち」のことは誰にも知られていないことにも目を向けるようになったといいます。その結果芽生えた想いは、「一個人がハンドメイドでつくった作品なら、作り手が作品に込めた気持ちもずっと残り続けるのではないか」というもの。「作品に込めた想い」「作品を所有してくださった方の想い」「さらにその作品を引き継いでくださる方の想い」が残っていくことを信じて、「木工庵 藤本」を始めたのです。
Atsunobu Fujimoto, who runs the “mokkouan Fujimoto,” seems to have worked for a company before devoting himself to this work. At my workplace, I often work with many people to make many things, so I often think about manufacturing. Under such circumstances, products and services created by a large number of people are likely to remain for decades or even hundreds of years, while no one knows "the people involved in making them." It is said that he has started to pay attention to what is not. The thought that emerged as a result was that "if one person makes a handmade work, the feelings that the creator put into the work will remain forever." Believing that "the feelings contained in the work", "the feelings of the person who owns the work" and "the feelings of the person who inherits the work" will remain, I started "Mokkouan Fujimoto".
「どんな作品になりたい?」「これでいい?」 作品を手掛ける前後には必ず木材と会話
Mr. Fujimoto always thinks before making a work, "What kind of work will the material bring to life?" The material is wood. He said that he would confront the wood that he would like to sharpen, polish, and assemble, and ask, "What kind of work do you want to be?" Of course, wood doesn't reply. However, Mr. Fujimoto receives "something" instead of a verbal response. The works that have been modified according to the "something" do not have the same shape. Not only the grain, but the shape and angle of the details are all different. After finishing, Mr. Fujimoto talks to wood again. "This is it. Is this all right?" Then, mysteriously, the wood adapts itself to a new shape.
Mr. Fujimoto continues to produce various works with different shapes, sizes, and uses, but I always have the same feelings for those who own the work and those who inherit it. "I would be happy if people who liked my work could feel a little happy through the work." Mr. Fujimoto says that he is happy if he feels warm and warm because he met the work. For people who do not have the opportunity to face the real thing, we also publish photos of the works and production scenes we have worked on so far on SNS such as Facebook and Instagram. In addition, Mr. Fujimoto, who says, "What I like about Fukui is the beauty of nature such as the sea, mountains and rivers and the appearance of Yokokan," he also updates everyday life in his favorite Fukui. .. Even those who are watching can be happy.