"Piace vole" is a musical term that means "comfortable" and "pretty". This is a handmade accessory shop of natural stones and beads by Mrs. Kaori Makoto, who makes accessories that make you feel gorgeous just by wearing them. She started her career as a bead writer only a few years ago. When She was active as a lecturer at the Yamaha Music School, She started by making accessories that she could wear on stage. Furthermore, four or five years ago, she applied for an internal job recruitment for the artificial flower "Washi no Hana" made from Echizen Washi. Knowing the fun of making artificial flowers using Echizen washi as a material, I became absorbed in making accessories using washi under Junko Igarashi, who produces "Washi no Hana".
自分自身が肩凝りに悩まされているからこそ 毎日着けたくなるくらい軽いことにこだわった
The most distinctive feature of Makara's accessories is that they look gorgeous just by wearing them. Many people may think of decorative and heavy accessories when they hear "gorgeous", but the accessories of "Piace voce" are very light. Makara herself is suffering from stiff shoulders, so she says that he values "being an accessory that is not burdensome to wear and is not heavy". In particular, accessories made from Japanese paper have a light finish, but if the Japanese element becomes too strong, it will be difficult to use normally. Therefore, she told me that he is conscious of not only lightness but also "the Japanese element does not come out too much".
「着けていたら必ず褒められる」 「ドレスにぴったり合う」のお客さまからの言葉が一番うれしい
真柄さんが「アクセサリーをつくっていてよかった」と思うのは、お客さんからうれしい言葉をもらえたとき。「着けていたら必ず、どこで買ったか訊かれるんですよ」「ドレスに合うし、ステージ映えするから重宝しています」などの言葉をもらえたときが、一番うれしいし、やりがいを感じられるのだとか。たくさんの人に喜んでほしくて、オンラインショップもいち早く開設。しかしここ数年はアクセサリーづくりが多忙で更新できていないことが悩みのタネだといいます。「どうにかしなきゃと思いつつ、なかなか時間が取れなくて……」。そう明かす真柄さんにとって、a. DEPARTMENT STOREへの参加は、現状を変えるためのひとつのきっかけにもなった模様。「こまめに企画してくださっているのでとても勉強になります。お客さまとの新しい出逢いも楽しみにしています」と期待を寄せてくれました。
Mrs. Makara thinks "I'm glad I made accessories" when I got a happy word from a customer. When I get words like "Whenever I wear it, I'm always asked where I bought it" and "It fits the dress and looks great on stage, so it's useful", which makes me most happy and rewarding. And. We wanted a lot of people to be happy, so we opened an online shop as soon as possible. However, it is said that the problem is that the accessories have been busy for the past few years and have not been updated. "I thought I had to do something, but I couldn't get enough time ...". For Mrs. Makara, who reveals that, participating in A. DEPARTMENT STORE seems to have been one of the triggers to change the current situation. "It's a great learning experience because they plan diligently. I'm looking forward to new encounters with customers," she said.