シェフ自ら各地の生産者のもとを訪れて仕入れた 旬の素材をふんだんに使って作る“日本の洋食”
The chef, who loves the blessings of Fukui's four seasons, creates "Japanese ingredients x French" based on seasonal ingredients collected from all over Japan. "Salamanger" is a French word that means "restaurant", and "F" is derived from "Fukui" and "Food", as well as the last name of the chef Masakazu Fujii. With his 40 years of experience in French cuisine, he uses fresh ingredients from all over Japan, including Fukui, to create dishes that will bring you a fresh surprise and a sense of exhilaration every time you put them in your mouth. Wild vegetables in the spring, Japanese pepper in the early summer, mushrooms in the fall, and crab in the winter. Also, in pursuit of French cuisine made with Japanese sensibility, he actively incorporates Japanese herbs and spices such as Hanazansho, Mizansho, and Konobud. He values the "necessity" that underlies the ingredients, and values the approach that draws out the goodness of Japanese ingredients.
大きく広げるのではなく、人と人の関係を大切に、 手を携えて料理を作っていきたい。
『サラマンジェF』の藤井正和シェフは、16歳で飲食業に携わって以降、ホテルや結婚式場、レストランなどで研鑽を積み、ホテル内レストランシェフ、ホテル料理長を経験。2000年に開発したテイクアウト商品は、通販サイトでお取り寄せ1位を記録し続け累計100万個の売上を達成しています。2007年、皇太子殿下(現・天皇陛下)御行啓食事会の料理を担当、2009年、全国植樹祭にて、天皇皇后両陛下(現・上皇上皇后両陛下)の食事を担当。その間の2006年に大病を患ったことで、仕事や料理に向き合う姿勢が大きく変わったといいます。そのとき感じた気持ちを大切に、2013年にご子息の恭祐シェフと一緒にオープンしたのが『サラマンジェF』です。大切な人に食べてほしいと感じて頂ける、シンプルで「おいしい」と言って頂ける料理を組み立てています。料理に深みを与えるために、ブイヨンやフォンをしっかり取ることもシェフのこだわり。フランス料理の根幹を大事にしながら、新しい挑戦を続けています。 同時に、食材を提供してくださる生産者の方や携わられる方たちとも「大きく広げるのではなく、人と人の関係を大事にして手を携えていきたい」とお客様だけでなく、生産者の方も大切なパートナーと考えていらっしゃいます。
Chef Masakazu Fujii of "Salamange F" has been working in the restaurant industry since he was 16 years old, and since then he has worked hard at hotels, wedding halls, restaurants, etc., and has experience as a hotel restaurant chef and hotel chef. His take-out products, which he developed in 2000, continue to record the number one order on mail-order sites, and have achieved cumulative sales of 1 million units. In 2007, he was in charge of cooking for the Crown Prince (now the Emperor) visit dinner party, and in 2009, he was in charge of the meal for Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress (now the Emperor and Empress) at the national tree planting ceremony. In 2006, during that time, he suffered a serious illness, which changed his approach to work and cooking. In 2013, I opened "Salamange F" with my son, chef Kyosuke, cherishing the feelings I felt at that time. He creates simple and delicious dishes that you would want your loved ones to eat. In order to give depth to the dishes, the chef is also particular about carefully removing the bouillon and fonds. He continues to take on new challenges while cherishing the roots of French cuisine. At the same time, with the producers who provide the ingredients and the people who are involved, "I want to work hand in hand, valuing the relationship between people, rather than spreading it widely." We also consider you to be an important partner.
“ お店の味をそのままお届け。お取り寄せサイトで売上連続1位を記録した マンゴープリン、冬季限定のせいこ蟹グラタン・ドリア。
藤井シェフは、日本でもかなり初期のオンラインストアでのお取り寄せをスタートさせた先駆者。現在の取扱商品は、洋菓子と洋食の大きく2種類存在。洋菓子のなかでも人気は、藤井シェフ自身が大好きなマンゴーをふんだんに使った「マンゴープリン」と「マンゴー&パッションフルーツのトロピカルプリン」。マンゴープリンは、果実を60%以上も配合した濃厚な口当たりとなめらかな口どけが魅力です。 「どれもお取り寄せ用に作っているのではなくて、お店で食べて頂くのと同じ味を楽しんで頂きたいと思っています。マンゴープリンも、食感も含めてお店のデザートの味をそのままにお届けしています」と藤井シェフ。 パッションフルーツを主軸に据えた「マンゴー&パッションフルーツのトロピカルプリン」は、パッションフルーツの豊かな香りが特徴的。マンゴーを配合することで深みも加わり、何度でもリピートしたくなります。また、福井名物の水ようかんは、「越前プレミアム水ようかん(プレーン)」「越前プレミアム水ようかん(コーヒー)」「越前プレミアム水ようかん(抹茶)」の3つのフレーバーを展開。福井県特産のサツマイモ「とみつ金時」を主役に据えた「とみつ金時の焼き芋ようかん」も、他では味わえないおいしさです。 料理は、11月~3月までの期間限定で販売される「せいこ蟹のグラタン」「せいこ蟹のドリア」が人気。このお取り寄せが当サイトでもご購入頂けます。
Chef Fujii is one of the pioneers in Japan who started ordering from online stores in the very early days. Currently, there are two main types of products handled: Western confectionery and Western food. Among the Western sweets, the most popular are the “Mango Pudding” and the “Mango & Passion Fruit Tropical Pudding”, which uses plenty of mangoes, which Chef Fujii himself loves. Mango pudding is attractive because it contains more than 60% fruit and has a rich taste and a smooth texture. “We don’t make any of them to order, we want you to enjoy the same taste as when you eat them at the store. We deliver it as it is,” says Chef Fujii. The “Mango & Passion Fruit Tropical Pudding”, which has passion fruit as its main axis, is characterized by the rich aroma of passion fruit. By adding mango, it adds depth and makes you want to repeat it again and again. In addition, Fukui's specialty mizu yokan is available in three flavors: "Echizen premium mizu yokan (plain)," "Echizen premium mizu yokan (coffee)," and "Echizen premium mizu yokan (matcha)." “Tomitsu Kintoki no Yakiimo Yokan”, which uses sweet potato “Tomitsu Kintoki”, which is a specialty of Fukui Prefecture, as the main character, is also a delicious taste that cannot be tasted anywhere else. Popular dishes are the Seiko Crab Gratin and Seiko Crab Doria, which are sold for a limited time only from November to March. This order can also be purchased on our site.